Unity Terrain vs Maya Terrain

I’m currently working on a project with another developer who has created a pathing system to use on geometry imported through Maya. Initially we had planned on using individual ‘chunks’ of geometry for our terrain - model and texture them out individually. However the overall concept of the project has changed, and now requires much larger sections of terrain. (similar to what you would see in a traditional RTS)

So I’m mostly curious on the pros and cons on importing from maya for terrain or if it would be worth it for my dev to try and get his pathing system working on Unity terrain. The Unity terrain tool is super easy to use, and the Maya process seems a bit more time-consuming to get the same result. Any info/help would be appreciated. :slight_smile:

Hi LSheridan,

while creating the terrain for my project I attempted a lot of ways to accomplish the kind of terrain I wanted.
I came to the conclusion that it really depends on the complexity of your scene. For example, I had a lot of roads and I needed to align a terrain below the road mesh which made me crazy for some days. I tried using heightmaps so I can use the Unity Terrain tools and stuff and my goal was not to be dependent on another tool. However, in the end I decided to use 3ds Max and I did not regret it yet. So, I’d recommend to use Maya and import the terrain meshes using the Terrain 4 Mobile Asset. It offers nearly the same features as Unity Terrain does + a lot more. I think that this way seems a lot more comfortable.

Now, this was just my experience and to be honest it was a “special case” (with roads and stuff) but maybe it’ll help you making the right decision :slight_smile: