Unity Testing - How to 'Quit' application from test, but continue running test. ,Unity testing - how to 'quit' application, but continue running rest of unit test?


I am trying to write a unit test that ensures long-running async tasks spawned within the unity application clean up in reasonable time after exiting the application. The test I have written does the following:

-Spin up a c# task that is coded to run for a minute or longer
-Quit the unity application immediately once the task is running
-Ensure that task is no longer running after a reasonable time after closing application.

The problem with my test as described is that Application.Quit is unsupported when running tests from the editor, or when ran from within a standalone player, it closes the application AND stops the running unit test as well.

Is there a way to Quit the application in a test, but still continue running the rest of the unit test?

Try using Debug.Log