Unity Too many animations too slow

I’m making a match game and i have 9*7 grid, and each grid has animation when the game is over, but when i try to run the animation in each grid at the end the frame rate is becoming too slow. If i run only one animation like this

gridsMatrix[0,0].GetComponent().enabled = true;

it’s smooth, but with all the grid it’s becoming so slow, any ideas how to get more frame rate Also I have used Coroutines

IEnumerator ScaleDownGrid(GameObject grid) {
for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
grid.GetComponent().sizeDelta = new Vector2( grid.GetComponent().sizeDelta.x-1.5f, grid.GetComponent().sizeDelta.y-1.5f);
yield return 0f;

but did not help

That seems odd, and not to be contrary - your code seems odd too.
I’m not a coder - I’m an artist and usually I can read (for the most part) our programmers code and code posted on the forum without difficulty.
The code you have posted - looks like a different kind of code I have never seen before, and doesn’t make as much sense as other code bits I normally see - C#. Is that C#?

We are running a 3x3 up to a 9x9 grid with animations played on 3D characters through mecanim state machines, approximately 10-12 animations per object, with particle effects, and dynamic audio - without any drop in frame rate. The animations are unoptimized 30 fps, with character rigs bone counts above the standard humanoid rig.

What type/make-up are the animations you are using?

Could some of the animations possibly be instanced prefabs of the same animated objects, so there isn’t 63 unique animated pieces playing at the same time?