Unity touchpad not working to rotate an object

Hi guys, I’m currently developing a game for android and before moving onto the artwork, I decided to work on the control systems and make sure they work correctly. However I seem to be having trouble getting the touchpad to work.

I wrote two different types of code, one worked using the keyboard, the other didn’t work at all.

The keyboard working code is:

var speed : float = 1;

function Update () {

var movementz = Input.GetAxis (“Vertical”) * speed;
var movementx = Input.GetAxis (“Horizontal”) * speed;

transform.Rotate(movementx, 0, movementz);


The none working code is :

var movement : Vector3 = Vector3.zero;
var speed : float = 1;

function Update () {

movement.z = Input.GetAxis (“Vertical”);
movement.x = Input.GetAxis (“Horizontal”);

transform.Rotate(movement * speed);


the touchpad is set up for a 50x50 pixel size at position 0,0,0 so it is in the bottom corner of the screen with a dead zone (normailised) at 0.5, 0.5.

I checked the input axes and one set is set for keyboard and another set is for joystick (Which I’m assuming is standard)

The joystick referenced in the Input axes refers to an actual joystick, not an on screen representation (which is what I am assuming you are using).

In order to use a touch screen joystick, add this script to a GUI texture:


Then, replace your code with :

var speed : float = 1;
var movement : Vector3 = Vector3.zero; 
var joystick : Joystick;
function Update ()
    var movementz = joystick.position.y * speed; 
    var movementx = joystick.position.x * speed;
    transform.Rotate(movementx, 0, movementz);

To get the joystick script in js, and get more information about how to use it, I suggest you try out the Penelope tutorial on the Unity website.