Unity trees... The endless crash

Ever since i have worked with Unity, i have never been able to create trees. Tree sure, one tree. But after that, every attempt is ended by a load of bugs dealing with the “Optimized materials” ha… With materials being cleared, glitches within the alpha cutoff on fronds and leaves, and the ever famous dead crash whenever i try to fix a new bug upon startup.

I have not gone into much depth with tree creator in U2018 yet, but i hope it is improved when i do, i would very much like to use your tree creator instead of compensating constantly with expensive asset packs. (The best of which avoid Unity trees all together, because no one can seem to work with them)…(The worst of which use unity trees lol.)

I get that it is an expensive feature, i do my due diligence to make create my trees as light as possible. That is not the issue here, there is lots wrong with the material conversion and optimization these trees utilize. I would love to see it removed all together and replace with a general object spawner that seem to be worth 30$ on the asset store.

If you have any desire to make some kind of detailed game, even at gamecube graphic standerds, you have probably run into a similar problem, but i would love to see how many people disagree with this, so feel free too…

What’s “Tree Creator”? Do you have a link? Are you talking about “SpeedTree”?

Tree Creator comes with Unity.
Been there for quite some time. But I think it’s deprecated as SpeedTree is now the norm to use.

In Unity go to the top, click GameObject > 3D Object > Tree.

Wow. I didn’t realize those were still in there.

I have a feeling these have not been touched since something like Unity 3.0!

I’d say it’s a GL/HF moment with those…

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Its a big problem that you cant create forests

I’ve not tried, but I assume you can make forests using speed tree or other tree models. Doesn’t unity’s standard assets include trees? A palm tree? And something else?

You can but the fps drop to 0

Find yourself some mobile friendly trees rather than the 3D modeled trees in Unity.