Unity UI is very slow?!?

For my game I have a health bar above the enemies made with UI panels. But when I enable this, my fps goes from 1000fps to 100-200fps(see the image). What is the reason, and how can I fix this?

This is my code to create a new health bar from prefab and keep it above the enemy(note that some variables are set from other scripts):

public RectTransform healthBar;
public RectTransform healthBarChild;
private int curHealth;
private int maxHealth;
private float maxScale;
private Vector3 offset;
private Transform canvas;

void Start()
	canvas = Global.canvas;
	healthBar = Instantiate(healthBarPrefab).GetComponent<RectTransform>();
	healthBarChild = healthBar.GetChild(0).GetComponent<RectTransform>();
	maxScale = healthBarChild.sizeDelta.x;

void Update()
	healthBar.position = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(transform.position+ offset);

void onDamage(int damage) // is called when enemy gets damage
	curHealth -= damage;
	Vector2 curSize = healthBarChild.sizeDelta;
	curSize.x = curHealth / (float)maxHealth * maxScale;
	healthBarChild.sizeDelta = curSize;
	if (curHealth <= 0)
		die();//I didn't include this(and some other functions) as it is not necessary

Are you updating the UI every frame? If you are, you should only update it when values change. Also, if you’re using GetComponent every time, store the references and use those in updating.

Pasting your code would help to see if there is anything that could be done.