[Unity version 5.0.1] Dynamic batched objects randomly disappear

Hi everyone!

I’m working on a 3D game right now. The game runs fine in the unity development environment (version 5.0.1). But when publishing to Android, having dynamic batching turned ON makes batched objects (they have same material, same mesh) appear and disappear at seemingly random times. Batched objects have material shader “mobile/particles additive”, but they are not particle object!

Does anyone else have this (or a similar) problem with dynamic batching in Android?
Every bit of input will be much appreciated! Thank you!

P/S : This problem doesn’t appear in unity 5.0 and 4.x

Do you use Umbra / Occlusion culling? You mention dynamic batching, have you tested with dynamic batching off?

If so then please report a bug.

I disable Umbra / Occlusion culling but it doesn’t help. When i disable dynamic batching in player settings and build for android, the game runs fine. Is it a bug?

Trying with other shader and it only happen with mobile/particle/ shader on non particle object

I think it’s worth filing a bug anyway. Transparent objects shouldn’t just flicker on and off.

Thanks hippo! I’ll report this bug.

Hi, we’re on 5.0.1f1, upgraded from 4.6, and we’re facing the exact same issue. When 2+ mesh with Particle/Additive or Mobile/Particle/Additive shader are dynamicly batched, the app crash (on Nexus 9 for exemple).

Android adb result a seg fault signal 11.

Does this bug already fix on 5.0.2 ? I don’t see any changelog about this in the changelog and it’s pretty annoying because I need to disable Dynamic Batching to avoid crashes.

Any news about this ?

Hi everyone,

I have the same bug on whatever unity 5.x version - anything (even simple cube) with Particle/Additive, its mobile version is causing instant crash on every android device, you just need to have dynamic batching on and at least two such objects (to get batched). I’ve already send a bug report 12.06 (http://fogbugz.unity3d.com/default.asp?704265_knj7h3f3j3bql5g1) but noone has replied yet.

Any news on this? It makes android version unplayable.

We updated to the 5.1 and the bug was fixed.

My bad, I did check again carefully, and in my case it is Particle/AlphaBlended (not Additive) and its mobile version that is causing crash. The same message as above (seg fault 11), the same case - dynamicaly batched models with this shader on android build.

I’ve checked with latest 5.1.1f1 and it is still occuring unfortunately.

EDIT: Same with latest patch release (5.1.1p1) - Particle/AlphaBlended or Mobile/Particle/AlphaBlended shader on two or more models with dynamic batching causes crash on android.