Unity version for UI Toolkit runtime UI in production

What’s the recommended Unity version for creating UI Toolkit runtime UI that is safe to use in production? Latest Unity 2021.3.x LTS or it’s better to wait for Unity 2022.2 when it’s out of beta? And also is that latest Unity 2020.3.x LTS is just a preview version that should not use in production?

Thank you for your interest in UI Toolkit!

The version for runtime you’ll get on 2021.3 LTS is very similar to 2022.2 so you can already start with the current LTS. We recommend you check that all the features you need for your product are available in Runtime UI Toolkit as it doesn’t yet have parity with uGUI, and this is also not being achieved with the 2022 cycle either.

If I start using 2021.3 LTS today, can I get smooth project upgrade to 2022.2 in future without breaking anything?

From a UI perspective, we’re not expecting any issues, but can’t be sure about all of the features exactly. What I do know is that users have been reporting a better experience with upgrading versions recently :slight_smile:

Just a reminder that with all major version changes, make sure you have version control, or at least a saved version somewhere you can refer to, before you make the change - so that if anything goes wrong, you still have a safe copy somewhere that still works with the previous version.

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