Unity Video Tuturials From The Best Teachers!!!!!

hi there i wana made a tutorial site and put

the best video tutorials from VTC.com

unitytutorials.com ---- and much more at very lower

cost for example the tutorial that they sell for 10$

i give U the same for 5$ or complete and lovely

tutorial from VTC.com that sell for 100$ !!

i sell it for 8$ or 10$…

am a reach person and want to help all of you

out there and decide to buy those guys tut’s in real

price and sell them in my site at very low cost for

who cant pay those High Costs!!!

please let me know about your idea’s…


Forgive me if I have misunderstood, but are you selling content created by others?
If you are, do you have their permission to do so?

You do realize that what you are doing is illegal?

I think is just spam, and yes dude…that is illegal!!

Not only illegal, but also UNETHICAL.

hi to every one i didn’t say i will do it 100%

i want to say if you guys like i can handle it

i mean i can give permission from those guys!!!

and i too make tutorials for

unity and i will sell them too,at very lower cost

… so you miss judge about me!!

so i asked you guys one more time Do you Like that

thing ??

you mean gays or guys?? :lol:

Why do you think that the producers of those tutorials would allow you to sell their work, for less than they think their work is worth?

Even if they were to get a cut of the proceeds, I seriously doubt it would be allowed.

sorry its miss typing!!! :sweat_smile:

ok its no problem …

i forget it and i sell my own products …

and sell few products that some ones work with

me!!! :lol:

I think its better??


Yes. It would be better to sell your own products and products of people who choose to partner with you.

Finally when i finish Customizing my site I will

go to Notice every one in topic which i will

call it " Extreme Unity Tutorials !!"

please be PATIENT !!!

catch U guys later… :lol:

Good luck with your tutorials! I look forward to seeing them.

I would seriously think about improving my english before working on tutorials.

thanks guys… :lol: :lol: :lol:

great! when your site is up?

I would think seriously about …

You had a split infinitive eg to boldly go, should be written as ‘to go boldly’

This will make your English more better :slight_smile:

please be patient i’ working on it

this thread is redonculous and makes me a little sad.

Initially, I thought you meant ‘ridiculous’ and then I found out there really is a word ‘redonculous’

It means beyond ridiculous, and I feel that’s a little harsh. Ridiculous would suffice :roll: