I’m building a VR game where users perceive the world in different sizes. One of the players for example, has an overview of the entire battlefield like it’s the size of a tabletop game, while players on the ‘ground’ should perceive everything on real scale.
So far I haven’t found any settings in Unity’s VR implementation to scale the eye distance. Are they in there somewhere?
Hi! You can do this by changing the scale of the GameObject the camera is parented to. Increasing the scale will effectively increase the “size” of the camera rig, making the viewer feel bigger relative to the world.
I’ve still encountered some problems with this though. First off, the near clipping distance for the camera starts a lot further out, so you’d have to scale that down accordingly. Second, particle billboards seem to limit their size relative to the scale increase, making them appear a lot smaller. Also, something weird happens with stretching particles, and the stretches appear huge. I still don’t have any solution to the particle problems, so I’d be happy to stick around in the discussion and hear other people’s input.
Nope, you should be able to use normal scaling on the OVR Camera Rig. You’ll need to adjust the clip settings on each eye’s camera too.
The way VR works is by projecting a slightly different image to each eye. So, if you scale up the rig, it should scale the distance between eyes, which will change the perspective in the way you want. Just don’t do that in real time unless you want to barf.