Unity VR Shader - Find position of only the left eye

Hey All,

I have a Cel Shader that I was able to convert to work in VR single pass instanced. The problem I’m having is that the Shader Script is using _worldspacecamerapos which renders the scene differently for both eyes as their position differ. This is only being used to render a small part of the shader. This isn’t fully rendering the scene. Its only used to calculate edge light so if I remove all the code with _worldspacecamerapos the shader still works totally fine without edge light.

I want to find a way to only use the left eye camera’s position for both eyes.

I know I need to use unity_StereoEyeIndex somehow but I have absolutely no knowledge of shaders or how they are supposed to be written. Every attempt I made to use it doesn’t do anything.

I’m using a shader asset that I purchase in the asset store so I don’t want to post the code here, but I’ve isolated my problem to just the use of _worldspacecamerapos

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Took me hours just to figure out how to add the 5 lines of codes from Unity - Manual: Single-pass instanced rendering and custom shaders to make it even render in the right eye.