I apologize if I sound naive. I am new to unity and tried building an android AR app following the tutorial Vuforia Unity Android Tutorial, Your First AR App in 20 minutes - YouTube and tested the app with the play button on Unity and it worked just fine. But when I built an android app for the same and ran it, All it gave was the made with unity logo followed by a dark screen. Any idea as to where I must have gone wrong?
HI @KrishnaChandran Try to change camera settings Clipping Planes near and far options
Thankyou for your prompt response @Grish_tad but sadly that did not resolve issue… I am stuck. Any idea what else should I change to resolve it?
Hello, I have the exact same problem!
But I don’t understand exactly what to do here.
@Grish_tad said “add 1 more image to with vuforia configurations”, -
@KrishnaChandran said “mapped the model to the new target and built tha app again. worked like magic.”
Can you explain me with more detail what you did?