unity + vuforia: ImageTarget causes XMLException invalid data

hi all,
Ive got a ‘real’ problem going on here… since Im new to unity+vuforia, I try to be as precise as possible - please be patient :wink:
starting with a new project: open unity → import vuforia package. create a ARCamera - create a ImageTarget - and a sphere.
On the vuforia site, I created a custom ImageTarget and downloaded it as example.unitypackage. So far so good…

…but, here it comes:

**1_**As soon as I import this custom example.unitypackage into unity, I get a an error (red) in the console-window saying: ‘XmlException: invalid data’. …and I cant get rid of that! Plus, there is a little bubble with an increasing number in it. Does not look good to me! :frowning:

**2_**In the ARCamera Inspector-window, under the script: Data Set Load Behavior, there is NO option ‘data set load’, where I could activate my custom imageTarget.

This really annoys me, because a couple of days I finished a similar project, also AR, with no bugs at all.

Any ideas? All comments are welcome… thx!

btw, maybe I miss something in terms of installation. what I do is to download the unity-Extension-SDK and import it to my unity-project. Is that it?


I’m getting the same error. Did you ever get this sorted out?

Have you find out the solution?