Unity watermark question

Just had a question about the difference between Unity Indie and Pro versions. According to the licensing …
“With Unity Pro, you can build a standalone Windows executable version of your game. Additionally, web player games viewed on Windows will not display the Unity watermark when published with the Pro version.”

My question is what does “Display the Unity watermark” actually mean? - does the watermark appear just as the game is loading - or is the watermark always displayed during a game as well?

A watermark is displayed during the game in the bottom right corner. The reasoning behind this is that people could circumnavigate the Windows standalone restriction by simply distributing a web player and going into fullscreen essentially mimicking a Windows standalone application.


Thats a shame - I only want to build web games but can’t afford the pro version and having a watermark there is not acceptable to my project. I would have preferred it if they had just disabled full-screen mode in the web player instead.

Still nevermind :slight_smile: