Unity - Wave Survival Multiplayer

Hello everyone,

I have launched a new update for a package I have released quite a while ago. The new version 2.0 has become way bigger than I had initially expected it to become.

Changelog v2.0

  • = Bug resulted from erroneous design, but does not interfere with gameplay
    ** = Bug from Unity
    *** = Bug from Unity, but does not interfere with gameplay


Bootcamp demo by Unity Technologies (sounds, particles, textures)
Farland Skies - Cloudy Crown by Borodar (textures)
(none of the sounds were made by me, but are royalty free)



  • ThrowableEditor script for the Throwable script
  • WeaponEditor script for the Weapon script
  • Support for custom in-game scenes
  • Singleton UIManager script
  • Mecanim support
  • Modified assets from the Unity Bootcamp Demo (particles, textures, sounds)
  • AutoDestroy script
  • TextFade script
  • Interactable script
  • Currency sound (for charges and gains)
  • SkyboxRotater script
  • Support for animations speed values (i.e. walking animation speed proportinal to movement speed)
  • New map with ambient mood (ambient sounds, fog, lighting, etc)
  • Barricade


  • Updated old GUI system to the new UI system
  • Old PlayerHealth script infused in the NetworkUser script
  • Old PlayerInteraction script infused in the NetworkUser script
  • Changed to PlayerPrefs class for registry data management
  • Added default values for public variables
  • WaveSpawn script renamed to WaveManager script
  • Lobby ready states now have colors (red and green)
  • Big scripts like (ZombieAI, NetworkFramework, NetworkUser, etc) now have regions to make the code more organized
  • Changed old ‘Example Game’ scene to ‘Demo’ scene
  • Added certain ‘editor mistake’ invalidation preventions on most complicated scripts (e.g. a min value being bigger than a max value)


  • All console warnings/errors for obsolete/deprecated functions
  • Random.Range with exclusive max set to (length - 1) in some situations
  • Fixed barricade accessing planks from last to first (inverse of intended)
  • UI not scaling properly to different screen resolutions


  • Cleaned code commenting for easier reading and understanding
  • Cleared unnecessary references and any spaghetti code
  • Cleaned up clustered scene objects and configuration
  • Cleaned up project files and references


  • RegistryData script
  • Crosshair script


  • Decals will inherit scale and rotation from non-uniform objects, thus deforming their shape
  • Decals won’t project onto complex mesh surfaces (by design, still W.I.P.)
  • While having the editor paused if you compile a script, all the text from UI elements will get filled**



  • Rewritten singleton NetworkFramework script
  • Completely rewritten Network Menu
  • Support for animations over the Network
  • NetworkCallback script
  • NetworkSync script (alternative for synchronizing poisitions and rotations over the network smoothly)
  • Round robin Player spawning system
  • Better disconnection handling (both inside the lobby and game) for requested disconnection or application quit
  • Added custom connection attempt timeout (workaround to not being able to access the NetworkManager.Timeouts variables)


  • Updated old raknet networking system to the new UNET system
  • Position and rotation synchronization over the Network is custom (not using built-in components)
  • Lobby system is custom made (not using built-in components)
  • NetworkFramework now references to a string variable for the online scene
  • Now you can disconnect in the middle of the game using the new escape menu


  • All console warnings/errors for obsolete/deprecated functions
  • Random sounds not playing the same AudioClip over the Network


  • NetworkFramework lobby check for ready players
  • Barricade networking features
  • Commands and ClientRPC’s use specific QoS channels for packet sending/receiving


  • NetworkLobby script
  • Old NetworkFramework script


  • InternalAddPlayer playerControllerId higher than expected: 0 warning***
  • NetworkAnimator throwing NullReferenceException for NetworkAnimator component (randomly appears sometimes and goes away)***
  • Host instance will remain freezed if you alt-tab frequently in a small amount of time, until a Client disconnects**
  • If a connection attempt is made and you host a Server, you will become both (Server + Client) + Client***



  • In-game Escape Menu
  • FireDamage script
  • Fire particle with DPS (damage per second)
  • DecalMaterial system (material penetration, entry and exit decals and particles, splatter decals).
  • DecalMaterialEditor script for the DecalMaterial script
  • Decal textures and hit particles
  • Throwable script adding support for throwable items (grenades and molotovs)
  • New item type => Utility
  • New Utility items => Grenades and Molotovs
  • New Primary items => Rifle
  • Reload animations for all weapons (except utility)
  • Weapon click sounds when trying to shoot with no loaded ammo (from bootcamp demo)
  • New sound effects for all the weapons
  • Repair complete sound for barricades
  • Barricade plank alpha fade-in when being repaired
  • Completely rewritten MouseRotation script


  • Adapted Weapon system to support 1 NetworkIdentity per Player GameObject root
  • Weapon damage and Zombie health are now floating point numbers
  • Reduced the barricade plank brake force from 400f to 50f
  • Renamed Test Pistol to Pistol
  • Bolt-action weapon types now have loaded ammo clamped to 1
  • The loadedAmmo or storedAmmo values are now clamped towards their respective maximums
  • Player camera Y (X) axis viewing angle adjusted from (80 , -80) to (65 , -50)
  • Increased Pistol and Machine Gun firing ranges
  • Adjusted weapon damage values
  • Barricades are considered static obstacles in the NavMesh, thus seperating the inner part and the outter part of the map
  • Barricades are now Off Mesh Links, providing access to the inner part of the map to Zombies
  • Wave Manager will wait untill all the Players are spawned, then it will start spawning Zombies
  • Players now spawn rotated based on the spawn point rotation
  • Barricades will now adapt their plank objects based on its starting current health
  • Barricade script now has a new value, and the current health value is clamped between 0f and
  • Barricade planks now have a rigidbody added procedurally if barricade physics is enabled


  • All console warnings/errors for obsolete/deprecated functions
  • A few bugs and flaws related to barricade repair and health management
  • MouseRotation script forcing rotation to start on a Vector3.Zero for euler angles
  • Weapon shot raycast not ignoring destroyed planks on a barricade
  • Barricades calculating destruction damage amounts based on starting (fixed with new value)
  • Fixed mouse cursor being confined to game window instead of being locked at screen center


  • Weapon shooting and reloading
  • Barricade behaviour and management


  • Old barricade sounds
  • Test decal prefab



  • New Player model
  • New Zombie Player model
  • Player animations => walking, idle, reloading
  • Player regeneratable health
  • Damage UI texture proportional to missing health
  • Player idle state
  • Custom Player ragdoll body
  • Custom Zombie Player ragdoll body
  • Player sounds when taking damage (from bootcamp demo)
  • Player breathing sound with volume proportional to missing health (from bootcamp demo)
  • New Player walking sounds (from bootcamp demo)
  • Players now spawn looking at the center of the map (based on spawnPoint rotation)


  • Now the Player can’t repair a barricade if he is not facing it
  • Reduced player interact distance
  • Player now becomes a Player Zombie when killed, and will attack other Players


  • Player tag not centering correctly over the Player
  • Player tag randomly not appearing in some instances
  • Player being able to shoot while reloading


  • PlayerHealth script
  • PlayerInteraction script
  • Old Player prefab
  • Old Player sounds


  • Player arms will look out of place depending on X axis viewing angle*



  • New Zombie model
  • Zombie animations => walking, attacking, screaming
  • Custom Zombie ragdoll body
  • New Zombie scream sounds (from opengameart.org)


  • Zombie will now attack the Player from the outside the barricade, if he is inside the attack range. (Prevents unfair gameplay)
  • Zombie now searches all player objects everytime he needs a new target, preventing a reference to a disconnected/destroyed Player
  • Zombies now die instantly with headshots
  • Zombies now constantly check for which Player is closest, and will always go after the closest one to him
  • Zombie now uses his NavMeshAgent radius as a offset for his attack range.
  • Zombie now takes into account his fixed attack range + player interact distance to check if he can attack a Player from outside the barricade
  • Zombie now uses a sligtly more advanced way of checking his distance to a Player, being a distance between Vector3 positions while he is outside
    and NavMeshPath distances while inside
  • Increased Zombie damage
  • Zombie now moves towards barricade Off Mesh Link start transform
  • Now using Quaternion.Slerp instead of NavMeshAgent updateRotation, so we can insure that the Zombie is always facing his target
  • Scream animation speed proportional to scream AudioClip length
  • Zombie will now move directly towards the closest Player, if no barricades have been found


  • Zombie would not update his rotation if he was not traversing a NavMeshPath
  • Attack timer will increment, even if the Zombie has no target (preventing attack delays)
  • Zombie checking current target status only when attacking (preventing target switching delays)
  • Zombie using NavMeshAgent stopping distance too large for attacking barricades


  • ZombieAI navigation and target selection


  • Old Zombie prefab
  • Old Zombie sounds


  • Zombie will not face player while his target is a barricade, even if the zombie is attacking him*
  • Can not play a disabled audio source warning appearing when killing a zombie while he attempts to scream over the network (randomly appears)*
  • Rough Offmesh link jump from when transitioning from outside the barricade to inside (not really a bug)*

Here’s the old showcase video on v1.0:

Here’s the showcase video on v2.0:

Soon enough I hope to be releasing a preview video showing more in-depth all the features and capabilities of the package itself.

More information on the package can be found at: https://sellfy.com/p/F2VH

You can also visit my WIP website at: http://www.vaijk.net/

Any and every feedback is more then welcome!

Looks interesting!

One thing I noticed in the video is it seemed like the net host session didn’t work (only showed Not Ready) until you disconnected and hit the Host button again then it changed from Not Ready to Ready?

Hello GarBenjamin,

It’s not a bug, although it may seem like one. To toggle between ‘Not Ready’ and ‘Ready’ you have to press ‘R’. When I first hosted the lobby I did not press ‘R’, but when I hosted it again I did.

Otherwise Players would just connect to the lobby and automatically be set to ‘Ready’ and enter the game, thus making it impossible for other Players to be able to join the lobby in time.

I’d be glad to answer any other questions or comments.


it says the ready button is not setup in input