I have been playing this online game for a while using the web player software,
Now any game using the player that i open comes up with the error:
Failed to update unity web player, please install manually
I have installed it manually more than 20 times now,
I have cleared the cache and the registry,
I have uninstalled it and re installed it several times also
What do I do to fix it?
Please can you download and install the latest WebPlayer version from here: Unity Real-Time Development Platform | 3D, 2D, VR & AR Engine and try and play the game again?
This should fix the issue for you.
I have done this several times and it has not worked.
Any ideas?
what version creative hris??
Our latest version is 4.0.1f2, try uninstalling, clearing the browser cache, install latest again and retest.
I have done this several times without it working.
Any other ideas?
I have created games in Unity Web Player (www.ball3d.com and www.ball2d.com).
And I can say, that many players have this problem. I even have this error on one PC in my house. Would be nice if someone from Unity Team could fix this, because we are losing players because of this Looks like itâs not possible to update the plugin. Even if you remove it and try to clear cache, even if you reinstall the whole web browser. I think it must be some weird bug in the Unity Plugin.
Since now I will send all players who have problems with Unity Plugin to this subforum. There are many many players who have problems with this plugin.
âError lunching unity webplayerâ - this errors is very common. They can reinstall the plugin many times and nothing is helping.
Maybe when players will describe their problems here, maybe then someone will be able to help them and if this is a bug in the plugin, maybe Unity Team will fix this. I have no idea.
This is my image, same as above -
When I start this game: Critical Strike, It asks to update my unity player, I update it and it says update failed, It gives me a link to update manually, I updated my unity web player manually hundreds of times and it still says Update failed, Update Manually. What more information you need on this topic?
Somebody please help or I leave playing unity games >( :-x
I have this problem on my old computer, I have tried to fix this but nothing is helping. And itâs the same in all web browsers.
Unity Team please help us!
Hi all,
Can you all post the log file contents when you get this error? We cannot repro and the log files might help us see whatâs going on.
I have a question regarding this, does the Unity Web Player always try to call âhomeâ before itâll run the content?
The reason I ask is this: at work now, where my internet connection is through a proxy I always get the error message reported here, before (version 3.5?) I didnât so I wonder if something has changed?
And if so is there anyway around it?
@Gnatty Unity does phone home yes, to download runtimes. Sounds like you have a different issue (although the same error is used), do you know if this is specific to being behind a proxy?
Can you submit a bug report to us? or email support@unity3d.com
I was looking for the log file, and I have found the solution to the âfailed to updateâ error.
I was not able to access the temp file, so I decided to delete the whole temp folder. Then I have run the game again, and this time the update succeed!
Windows XP * C:\Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Temp
Windows Vista/7 * C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp
Windows Vista/7 + IE7 + UAC * C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Temp\
That sounds very odd, you should be able to access your temp folders, sounds like you have some weird windows permissions setup, if you do, that can effect the behaviour of programs such as Unity WebPlayer which write to these folders. Itâs also odd that you can delete that whole folder but not access it.
Things that can cause the error:
download failed because of a connection failure
download failed because disk is full
download failed because no write permissions
decompression failed because of corrupted data
decompression failed because disk is full
decompression failed because no write permissions
moving to place failed because no write permissions
I have this problem on both of my systems (Win 7 64). Deleting the temp folder has no effect.
I tried installing the player with UnityWebPlayer.exe and UnityWebPlayerFull.exe, both have the same problem. I canât even open the web player settings. The problem occurs in all of my browser: Firefox, Chrome, IE.
The logs have these information:
Any ideas what I can do to fix this?
Found the solution for my problem. Iâm using EFS (Encrypting File System) for some folders on my hard disk (most of the folders under âC:\Users\Usernameâ). The problem was that âC:\Users\Username\AppData\LocalLow\Unityâ was encrypted. For some reason that was causing problems. It didnât cause any problems with other software, yet.
@CreativeChris - thanks for your reply. After a bit of investigation (using Fiddler2) I found the content is indeed downloading, but itâs going through our very annoying secure download process, which I why I think itâs failing.
Thanks for your help though, getting it going at work wasnât that important, I was only trying to skive off. Heh heh.
One player from my game community has this problem:
Here is the log:
130306 19:38:17 ------------------------------------------------------------
130306 19:38:17 Instance starting, version 4.0.1f2_9bb580cddf70, UNITY_WEB_ENABLE_AUTODOWNLOAD: 1, GetDisableAutoUpdates(): 0
130306 19:38:18 Datafile http://www.ball2d.com/game/ball2d.unity3d?00002
web: player version 4.0.1f2
web: load mono
Mono path[0] = 'C:/Documents and Settings/dom/Ustawienia lokalne/Dane aplikacji/Unity/WebPlayer/player/Release3.x.x/Data/lib'
Mono path[1] = 'C:/Documents and Settings/dom/Ustawienia lokalne/Dane aplikacji/Unity/WebPlayer/mono/Release3.x.x/Data/lib'
web: start, src=game/ball2d.unity3d?00002 abs=http://www.ball2d.com/game/ball2d.unity3d?00002 flags=0x1
web: sucessfully initialized
130306 19:38:32 loader: start ok
130306 19:38:32 Times: download 2.2 load 13.4
Loading webdata version: 4.0.1f2
Initialize engine version: 4.0.1f2
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=0
Version: Direct3D 9.0c [nv4_disp.dll]
Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce FX 5200
Vendor: NVIDIA
VRAM: 128 MB (via registry)
D3D: disabling render to cubemap on pre-GeForce6
D3D: disabling shadows on pre-GeForce6
Caps: Shader=20 DepthRT=0 NativeDepth=0 NativeShadow=0 DF16=0 DF24=0 INTZ=0 RAWZ=0 NULL=0 RESZ=0 SlowINTZ=0
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Platform assembly: C:\Documents and Settings\dom\Ustawienia lokalne\Dane aplikacji\Unity\WebPlayer\player\Release3.x.x\Data\lib\UnityEngine.dll (this message is harmless)
Non platform assembly: C:\Documents and Settings\dom\Ustawienia lokalne\Dane aplikacji\Unity\WebPlayer\player\Release3.x.x\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Documents and Settings\dom\Ustawienia lokalne\Dane aplikacji\Unity\WebPlayer\player\Release3.x.x\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
Non platform assembly: C:\Documents and Settings\dom\Ustawienia lokalne\Dane aplikacji\Unity\WebPlayer\player\Release3.x.x\Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Documents and Settings\dom\Ustawienia lokalne\Dane aplikacji\Unity\WebPlayer\player\Release3.x.x\Assembly-UnityScript-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
Non platform assembly: C:\Documents and Settings\dom\Ustawienia lokalne\Dane aplikacji\Unity\WebPlayer\player\Release3.x.x\Assembly-UnityScript.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Documents and Settings\dom\Ustawienia lokalne\Dane aplikacji\Unity\WebPlayer\player\Release3.x.x\Assembly-UnityScript.dll into Unity Child Domain
Non platform assembly: C:\Documents and Settings\dom\Ustawienia lokalne\Dane aplikacji\Unity\WebPlayer\player\Release3.x.x\Boo.Lang.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Documents and Settings\dom\Ustawienia lokalne\Dane aplikacji\Unity\WebPlayer\player\Release3.x.x\Boo.Lang.dll into Unity Child Domain
Non platform assembly: C:\Documents and Settings\dom\Ustawienia lokalne\Dane aplikacji\Unity\WebPlayer\player\Release3.x.x\UnityScript.Lang.dll (this message is harmless)
Loading C:\Documents and Settings\dom\Ustawienia lokalne\Dane aplikacji\Unity\WebPlayer\player\Release3.x.x\UnityScript.Lang.dll into Unity Child Domain
- Completed reload, in 1.248 seconds
<RI> Initializing input.
<RI> Input initialized.
desktop: 1152x864 75Hz; virtual: 1152x864 at 0,0
Platform assembly: C:\Documents and Settings\dom\Ustawienia lokalne\Dane aplikacji\Unity\WebPlayer\player\Release3.x.x\Data\lib\CrossDomainPolicyParser.dll (this message is harmless)
Connected to master server at
(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Runtime/Network/NetworkManager.cpp Line: 2481)
Incoming host list query response from master server.
(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Runtime/Network/NetworkManager.cpp Line: 2481)
SymInit: Symbol-SearchPath: '.;C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox;C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\system32;SRV*C:\websymbols*http://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols;', symOptions: 530, UserName: 'dom'
OS-Version: 5.1.2600 (Dodatek Service Pack 3) 0x100-0x1
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plugin-container.exe:plugin-container.exe (00400000), size: 24576 (result: 0), SymType: '-nosymbols-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll:ntdll.dll (7C900000), size: 737280 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.6055
C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll:kernel32.dll (7C800000), size: 1036288 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5781
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\xul.dll:xul.dll (10000000), size: 19210240 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\mozjs.dll:mozjs.dll (00410000), size: 3088384 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: ''
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\nspr4.dll:nspr4.dll (002D0000), size: 184320 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll:ADVAPI32.dll (77DC0000), size: 704512 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5755
C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll:RPCRT4.dll (77E70000), size: 602112 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.6022
C:\WINDOWS\system32\Secur32.dll:Secur32.dll (77FE0000), size: 69632 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5834
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WSOCK32.dll:WSOCK32.dll (71A70000), size: 40960 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll:WS2_32.dll (71A50000), size: 94208 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msvcrt.dll:msvcrt.dll (77C00000), size: 360448 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 7.0.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll:WS2HELP.dll (71A40000), size: 32768 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll:WINMM.dll (76B20000), size: 188416 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll:GDI32.dll (77F10000), size: 299008 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5698
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll:USER32.dll (7E360000), size: 593920 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\MSVCR100.dll:MSVCR100.dll (78AA0000), size: 778240 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.30319.1
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\mozglue.dll:mozglue.dll (00300000), size: 139264 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL:PSAPI.DLL (76BE0000), size: 45056 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\MSVCP100.dll:MSVCP100.dll (78050000), size: 430080 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 10.0.30319.1
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\smime3.dll:smime3.dll (00330000), size: 102400 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\nss3.dll:nss3.dll (00350000), size: 651264 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\nssutil3.dll:nssutil3.dll (00710000), size: 110592 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plc4.dll:plc4.dll (003F0000), size: 28672 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\plds4.dll:plds4.dll (00730000), size: 28672 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\ssl3.dll:ssl3.dll (00740000), size: 163840 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\mozsqlite3.dll:mozsqlite3.dll (00770000), size: 819200 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\gkmedias.dll:gkmedias.dll (00840000), size: 3047424 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\mozalloc.dll:mozalloc.dll (00B30000), size: 24576 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\USP10.dll:USP10.dll (74D40000), size: 438272 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 1.420.2600.5969
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll:ole32.dll (774D0000), size: 1302528 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.6168
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSIMG32.dll:MSIMG32.dll (76350000), size: 20480 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\NETAPI32.dll:NETAPI32.dll (6FF40000), size: 352256 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5694
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IPHLPAPI.DLL:IPHLPAPI.DLL (76D50000), size: 102400 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msdmo.dll:msdmo.dll (73640000), size: 28672 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 6.5.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHELL32.dll:SHELL32.dll (7C9C0000), size: 8515584 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 6.0.2900.6072
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll:SHLWAPI.dll (77F60000), size: 483328 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 6.0.2900.5912
C:\WINDOWS\system32\VERSION.dll:VERSION.dll (77BF0000), size: 32768 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.dll:IMM32.dll (76360000), size: 118784 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\UxTheme.dll:UxTheme.dll (5B1D0000), size: 229376 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 6.0.2900.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\SETUPAPI.dll:SETUPAPI.dll (77910000), size: 1007616 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.dll:OLEAUT32.dll (77110000), size: 569344 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.6058
C:\WINDOWS\system32\guard32.dll:guard32.dll (01060000), size: 315392 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.12.59641.2599
C:\WINDOWS\system32\fltlib.dll:fltlib.dll (4DD50000), size: 32768 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.6028_x-ww_61e65202\comctl32.dll:comctl32.dll (773C0000), size: 1060864 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 6.0.2900.6028
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll:MSCTF.dll (746D0000), size: 311296 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\Documents and Settings\dom\Ustawienia lokalne\Dane aplikacji\Unity\WebPlayer\loader\npUnity3D32.dll:npUnity3D32.dll (01540000), size: 499712 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msctfime.ime:msctfime.ime (75180000), size: 188416 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\ctagent.dll:ctagent.dll (01910000), size: 65536 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\Documents and Settings\dom\Ustawienia lokalne\Dane aplikacji\Unity\WebPlayer\player\Release3.x.x\webplayer_win.dll:webplayer_win.dll (02570000), size: 7921664 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion:
C:\WINDOWS\system32\DNSAPI.dll:smile:NSAPI.dll (76F10000), size: 159744 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.6089
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WTSAPI32.dll:WTSAPI32.dll (76F40000), size: 32768 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSTA.dll:WINSTA.dll (76330000), size: 65536 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\HID.DLL:HID.DLL (68DF0000), size: 36864 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSACM32.dll:MSACM32.dll (77BD0000), size: 86016 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\Documents and Settings\dom\Ustawienia lokalne\Dane aplikacji\Unity\WebPlayer\mono\Release3.x.x\mono-1-vc.dll:mono-1-vc.dll (03D20000), size: 2269184 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: ''
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSWSOCK.dll:MSWSOCK.dll (719F0000), size: 262144 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5625
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rsaenh.dll:rsaenh.dll (68000000), size: 221184 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5507
C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d9.dll:d3d9.dll (4FD50000), size: 1728512 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.3.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\d3d8thk.dll:d3d8thk.dll (6DED0000), size: 24576 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.3.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CLBCATQ.DLL:CLBCATQ.DLL (76FC0000), size: 520192 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 2001.12.4414.700
C:\WINDOWS\system32\COMRes.dll:COMRes.dll (77040000), size: 839680 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 2001.12.4414.700
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\wbemprox.dll:wbemprox.dll (74EA0000), size: 32768 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\wbemcomn.dll:wbemcomn.dll (75240000), size: 225280 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\xpsp2res.dll:xpsp2res.dll (04D20000), size: 2957312 (result: 0), SymType: '-nosymbols-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\wbemsvc.dll:wbemsvc.dll (74E80000), size: 57344 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\fastprox.dll:fastprox.dll (75650000), size: 483328 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5755
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCP60.dll:MSVCP60.dll (76050000), size: 413696 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 6.2.3104.0
C:\WINDOWS\system32\NTDSAPI.dll:NTDSAPI.dll (76780000), size: 77824 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WLDAP32.dll:WLDAP32.dll (76F50000), size: 184320 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\wdmaud.drv:wdmaud.drv (72CB0000), size: 36864 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINTRUST.dll:WINTRUST.dll (76C20000), size: 188416 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.131.2600.5922
C:\WINDOWS\system32\CRYPT32.dll:CRYPT32.dll (77A70000), size: 614400 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.131.2600.6154
C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSASN1.dll:MSASN1.dll (77B10000), size: 73728 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5875
C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMAGEHLP.dll:IMAGEHLP.dll (76C80000), size: 163840 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\msacm32.drv:msacm32.drv (72CA0000), size: 32768 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.0
C:\WINDOWS\system32\midimap.dll:midimap.dll (77BC0000), size: 28672 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dsound.dll:dsound.dll (73EA0000), size: 376832 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.3.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\KsUser.dll:KsUser.dll (73E70000), size: 16384 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.3.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\xinput1_3.dll:xinput1_3.dll (05400000), size: 90112 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 9.18.944.0
C:\WINDOWS\System32\winrnr.dll:winrnr.dll (76FA0000), size: 32768 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\rasadhlp.dll:rasadhlp.dll (76FB0000), size: 24576 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\hnetcfg.dll:hnetcfg.dll (66780000), size: 360448 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\System32\wshtcpip.dll:wshtcpip.dll (71A30000), size: 32768 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
C:\WINDOWS\system32\dbghelp.dll:dbghelp.dll (59BC0000), size: 659456 (result: 0), SymType: '-exported-', PDB: '', fileVersion: 5.1.2600.5512
========== OUTPUTING STACK TRACE ==================
(0x4FDD8572) (d3d9): (filename not available): Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9 + 0x28bc2
(0x4FDE4C16) (d3d9): (filename not available): Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9 + 0x35266
(0x4FDD8904) (d3d9): (filename not available): Direct3DShaderValidatorCreate9 + 0x28f54
(0x0277D903) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): UnityWinWebStartData + 0x74dff
(0x027AD277) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): UnityWinWebStartData + 0xa4773
(0x02660069) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): ??$Transfer@VSafeBinaryRead@@@Behaviour@@QAEXAAVSafeBinaryRead@@@Z + 0xbfc5
(0x02660091) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): ??$Transfer@VSafeBinaryRead@@@Behaviour@@QAEXAAVSafeBinaryRead@@@Z + 0xbfed
(0x02623F63) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): ??$Transfer@V?$StreamedBinaryRead@$00@@@NamedObject@@QAEXAAV?$StreamedBinaryRead@$00@@@Z + 0x713dc
(0x026598F7) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): ??$Transfer@VSafeBinaryRead@@@Behaviour@@QAEXAAVSafeBinaryRead@@@Z + 0x5853
(0x025CD4B6) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): ??$Transfer@V?$StreamedBinaryRead@$00@@@NamedObject@@QAEXAAV?$StreamedBinaryRead@$00@@@Z + 0x1a92f
(0x025D1FDE) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): ??$Transfer@V?$StreamedBinaryRead@$00@@@NamedObject@@QAEXAAV?$StreamedBinaryRead@$00@@@Z + 0x1f457
(0x025D502B) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): ??$Transfer@V?$StreamedBinaryRead@$00@@@NamedObject@@QAEXAAV?$StreamedBinaryRead@$00@@@Z + 0x224a4
(0x025D5C49) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): ??$Transfer@V?$StreamedBinaryRead@$00@@@NamedObject@@QAEXAAV?$StreamedBinaryRead@$00@@@Z + 0x230c2
(0x025E54B2) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): ??$Transfer@V?$StreamedBinaryRead@$00@@@NamedObject@@QAEXAAV?$StreamedBinaryRead@$00@@@Z + 0x3292b
(0x026AA0D3) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): ??$Transfer@VSafeBinaryRead@@@Behaviour@@QAEXAAVSafeBinaryRead@@@Z + 0x5602f
(0x026AAB75) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): ??$Transfer@VSafeBinaryRead@@@Behaviour@@QAEXAAVSafeBinaryRead@@@Z + 0x56ad1
(0x02708995) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): UnityGetError + 0x8cf
(0x02708AE4) (webplayer_win): (filename not available): UnityWinWebLoop + 0x149
(0x0154C786) (npUnity3D32): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0
(0x01543349) (npUnity3D32): (filename not available): UT_Uninstall + 0x100c
(0x0154321E) (npUnity3D32): (filename not available): UT_Uninstall + 0xee1
(0x015472D8) (npUnity3D32): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0
(0x7E368734) (USER32): (filename not available): GetDC + 0x6d
(0x7E368816) (USER32): (filename not available): GetDC + 0x14f
(0x7E3689CD) (USER32): (filename not available): GetWindowLongW + 0x127
(0x7E368A10) (USER32): (filename not available): DispatchMessageW + 0xf
(0x10A2CC5E) (xul): (filename not available): mozilla::services::_external_GetAccessibilityService + 0xdfbf5
(0x10A48346) (xul): (filename not available): NS_StringSetDataRange_P + 0x7033
(0x102866FD) (xul): (filename not available): XRE_SetupDllBlocklist + 0x108b
(0x10279F48) (xul): (filename not available): XRE_main + 0x9bf8
(0x10AA2F46) (xul): (filename not available): XRE_InitChildProcess + 0x2d8
(0x0040126A) (plugin-container): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0
(0x0040149B) (plugin-container): (filename not available): (function-name not available) + 0x0
(0x7C817077) (kernel32): (filename not available): RegisterWaitForInputIdle + 0x49
========== END OF STACKTRACE ===========
130306 19:39:04 Setting error display: 'The content was stopped because a fatal
content error has been detected.', details: '', link: 0
web: shutdown player
Flushing Culler but we havent completed rendering. Are you setting material.shader inside of a Render call?
(Filename: C:/BuildAgent/work/812c4f5049264fad/Runtime/Camera/Culler.cpp Line: 99)
web: shutdown finished
130306 19:39:05 loader: final cleanup
130306 19:39:05 loader: unload unity dll
@MariuszKowalczyk Can you file a bug report on that please and send me the case id?
That issue is completely different to this thread and belongs in a new thread.