We are using several windows in our page. Windows, including the unity web player, are in iframes. Unity web player has always higher z-index and is shown above all other windows. We test our application with almost all browsers.
What we want to do is to be able to drag our windows in the page, minimize them, restore again etc. One other problem related to these actions, we cannot prevent Unity getting mouse movements when it is minimized or it has lost focus. Using timeScale did not work?
With similar problems, if you are dealing with FLash objects you can resolve the problem using “wmode: transparent”.
Is it possible to assign z-index to Unity web player iframe?
How can we overcome the “Unity web player above all other windows” problem? Or can anyone direct us another method other than using iframes?
I assume no one has encountered such a situation. ???
Unitys webplayer does not exist inside the browser (aside of chrome and safari which render in hw acceleration) as its 3D, while the browser content is 2D. Flash with its pure 2D existance has less problem there.
A thing though that works when minimizing is that you really minimize it that means that you set the extend of the container correspondingly, not just “hiding” it and alike.
I know this is an old thread but might help some peeps out. As stated above, the 3D window will always have a greater z-index than any 2D content, thus rendering anything on top of the player is not possible. However, this does not mean you can’t use CSS to help out.
My idea is this:
Wrap the unity player in div and position absolutely
When you want any UI elements to display, just set the top / left / right / bottom params of the web player container so that it displays off the page (or out of the visible area of it’s parent element)
When the UI interaction is done, move the unity container div back to it’s original position
Not a solution to the problem in this thread but an alternative solution.
I know this thread is really stale at this point
…but I find it interesting that the unity web players running on osx respect the css z-index, this problem only seems to exist on the windows side.