Unity (WebGL) Build doesn't work fine (Photon Pun/PlayFab)

Hi there,

My team and I are currently working on a project for WebGL make a multiplayer game (with services as Photon Pun and PlayFab). I’ll try to explain the problems wwe get the best I can:

1.- Problem detected: We tried to run our game on differents PC (higher and lower potential) and the problem is that usually when we load a new scene we get stuck just after the scene loading.

2.- After a long search on internet, we think that maybe the reason is a huge information load and maybe we can divide the Photon loading process to optimize the game (or PlayFab).

3.- In the Unity Editor usually works fine. Yesterday we got the problem attached (Unity WebGL Error - Album on Imgur) and maybe are the reason for the problem comented on point 2*.

4.- On last thing we’ve detected is that the fullscreen mode of the WebGL build give us a lot of problems (the level load get stuck allways, and many other functions doesn’t work).

Thanks for the help!!

Ok, after a few more tests on WebGL we detect that the problem on the browser consoles is the same as the attached image in the first post.

I just tried to modify KeepAliveInBackground from 60000 (default value) to 200000 just to test following the instructions from another post. It didn’t work but the errors that i’m recieving in the console are different. I attach another image of the last errors.


Hope it helps

Not relevant to the topic,
How is your game works on secured domain?