Unity WebGL build problem

Hello, I am trying to put the latest build of a game that I am working onto itch.io. For some reason the game ends up crashing after a couple minutes then displays this message. Does anyone know a solution to this problem?
Screenshot 2024-08-06 073011

Like the message says, you need to look in the browser’s developer console (Chrome: More Tools => Developer Tools) for any errors. Feel free to post them here (as text, not screenshot!).

Hey this is what it displays in the console. Didn’t know what to share so i just did screenshot again but within that sync error there error relating to some of the code I guess which is confusing since I didn’t touch anything. If you want to look at code error that’s listed i can do that.

Screenshot 2024-08-07 112153
Screenshot 2024-08-07 112117

Any actual errors? rather than warnings?

It says that there are 2 errors then when i click to see those errors it shows me this. The list extends down more.
Screenshot 2024-08-07 131809

are you doing any java to unity calls? That looks like a debug.Log type message from code?

I don’t believe so. I made a previous build for the game and had no problems uploading it to itch.io

Here is the full console if that helps.

ok, so are you using any 3rd party code is the phrase “no characters stats or stamin found” something you can search for? the fact it should likely be stamina but, it screams like its a deliberate “Im not happy cos something i should have I dont” error

I use corgi engine if that’s considered a 3rd party code. I can try finding the phrase “no character stats or stamin found”.

I believe this is the line of code that calls the following phrase.

So, you need to find out why Characterstatsandunlocks or characterstamina is therefore null, cos its not because its on itch, or necessarily even webgl, it is a “nullreferenceexception” in the making

Would it be possible to build the game with Debug Symbols set to Embedded or External? This will create better stacktraces and make it easier to track down where the issue in the code is.