Unity WebGL communicate with web page

I am noob at unity. So, I am trying my best to explain the problem where I am stuck and I have no clue how to approach.

I am building a small game on unity which is much like an inventory management system. But, the inventory is specific to a user and the user can make changes to it. The user sees the game as a part of his dashboard. What I want to do:

The moment the user lands on his dashboard, the unity game should load with the signed in users inventory. For this, I believe the unity webgl needs to interact with my application and get the user. Also,

How can I test all this without having to build the application?

Not necessarily. You could store all the data for the user in PlayerPrefs. This is very easy and doesn’t require having a separate server app; the data is stored in the user’s browser cache.

If you use PlayerPrefs, it works both within the editor as well as a built app. If you go the client/server route, then your life will be much harder (mainly due to security restrictions).

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