Unity webplayer into Facebook with Dropbox

Ok, i read several posts about “how to integrate Unity webplayer in Facebook” so i messed around with it myself and found out how to do it. Actually it is very easy.
Be aware that this post has nothing to do with advanced Facebook integration with Unity app like inviting, posting to the wall and similar. It’s a simple step by step tutorial to put your game on the Facebook.

  1. Build your game for webplayer and upload it to Dropbox.

  2. Go to developers.facebook.com → Apps → +Create new app

  3. Fill the needed stuff like the game’s name, your email, game genre etc.

  4. Go to your Dropbox folder and Copy the public link of your *.html file in webplayer folder

  5. Back to Facebook, select “App on Facebook” and under the “Canvas URL” paste the link from dropbox you just copied and add “?fake=0” without quotes. The link will look something like this: …webplayer.html?fake=0

  6. Save changes and wait for couple of minutes.

  7. Go to your game Facebook site and hit Play Game (if you dont see that button wait for few more minutes) and that’s it. It should run just fine.

I’ve done what you said its working but it si asking me to install Unity player even though I already have one.
I also installed it again but still same problem.
Though your procedure works very well using flash player builds, but it takes more memory So I want to do it in Web Player.

I’m not sure why you’re having problem with WebPlayer plugin. Have you tried completely reinstalling it or even using another browser?

Don’t use HTTPS links for unity webplayer. Change them to HTTP and they work better.

Also, people should be aware that dropbox might deny access if you get too much traffic. This technique is good for a few people, but you can’t launch a for-pay game on it. You’ll need a real webhost for that.

It isn’t the best way but it served me right to test my projects on FB for free.
I’m not sure about HTTPS but I think it was giving me some errors if I put HTTP link. Can’t remember what it was and why, sorry.

Hi all. i’m having some trouble with this.

Ive set up an app on facebook and got the web player and html file uploaded to dropbox no problem. But then I enter the dropbox link in to the canvas URL field, and click save, its shows a red box at the top and an error message saying:

There was a problem saving your changes. Please try again later.

The dropbox link I get is this:
Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life

Then I remove the (s) so it’s just ‘http’ and also include .dl so it’s the direct download link. like this:

I’ve also tried what was mentioned above as well as removing the .dl part. This might be a new problem on facebook with dropbox access. Has anyone else seen this problem or got a fix?

Thanks for any help

I have also the error please Help me :frowning:

There was a problem saving your changes. Please try again later.”

Same problem , could somebody please help us solve this issue !! thnx

Hi, everyone i figuredhow to solve my issue , i’ve put a link in this form “http://dl-web.dropbox.com/............./index.html?fake=0

Thank You!
The revised URL worked!


hello my friends pleace help me i have unity progeam but he come a account i give my account but i faild

Hi everyone,
it’s been a while. Does it still work that way? Because I Can’t get that to work.
Does dropbox still support that?

Nobody? Noone has that issue anymore?

U-GeeN, this is a thread from 2012, so beware.

Also, be aware that chrome now has deprecated the NPAPI for its browser. This means that the unity webplayer, based on NPAPI, does not work on chrome browsers.

I would suggest finding a more relevant post about Facebook integration.

As this post is 4 years old and the most recent response from the OP was more then 3 years ago, I a, closing this post.