Hello. We are starting to deploy a project for the web and plan to make a Flash based gui around the javascript. I need to receive events from the app and also fire methods from flash is this possible? is this documented somewhere?
Well I have had minimal expiriance in using MySQL and PHP with flash. I think that would be the only way in which flash could comunicate with unity. Not sure about the unity side but I know that there are a few tuts on using MySQL and PHP with flash. Just google it.
Unfortunately you cannot embed Flash in a Unity container, or fire events from/to Flash. Perhaps it would be a nice idea though to be able to use Javascript (HTML) to communicate between languages.
I also thought about the fact that Flash makes it possible to create cool game menus very easily, unlike Unity which is ofcourse focussed on the game itself. Some way to integrate Flash inside Unity would be awesome, but perhaps a (technical) bridge too far.
I don’t want to overly flash and unity on the same canvas space, just have one besides the other communicating. Other web engines like turntool or quest support this. If I can fire methods from unity to an html via javascript or fire methods form the page’s javascript to unity a whole world of possibilities become feasible.