Hi all,
Basicly we have a game that gets images from host. Than save them to a sprite list for later use. (will be used both on UI (Image) and Gameobject ( spriteRenderer).
My problem is that my images are pieces of bigger image. What I mean is, when I put them together, images complete the big image. But my problem is, on the merging ( contact) point there a low quality/glitch/pixel error. Something like that. I tried everything but result is the same.
imageTexture= ((DownloadHandlerTexture)www.downloadHandler).texture;
//Pivot top
mySpriteList.Add (Sprite.Create(imageTexture, new Rect(0f, 0f, imageTexture.width, imageTexture.height), new Vector2(0.5f, 1f), pixelsPerUnit));
When I try to render this sprites I get this result:
By the way, images are perfectly cutted and perfectly positioned in the game. When I replace sprites with the ones I download manually with the same ones. There is no problem
***What I Tried
I saved my texture after I download them. To see that if texture is getting broken when I download it. But there was no error. It happens after Creating the sprite I guess.
I tried to save my downloaded textyre to another texture I created with different TextureTypes ( rgba32, alph8 etc) and turn on/off mipmaps. Nothing changed.
Thank you all for help,
Have a good day.