Unity Windows Build (il2cpp) crashes since i upgraded my workstation

Hi there.

I needed to reinstall windows on my workstation. With my old workstation setup, i had no issues with the standalone build for windows PC, built with il2cpp.

But now, when i start the built game, it crashes. I could nail it down to the point where it crashes:

HttpWebRequest webRequest = (HttpWebRequest) WebRequest.Create (url);

(this uses System.Net)

This is embedded with a try/catch, but it’s not catching any exception, it just crashes.
This just happens when i build with il2cpp, when i build with mono, everything works fine.

But this has worked before also when i built it with il2cpp! i rewinded my project back to the point where i did the last successful build with il2cpp and built again from there, just to see if this build is also crashing: it crashes as well.

So, since this has worked already, it must have something to do with my system setup, i believe. The WebRequest.Create uses System.Net
Is it possible that mono bundles this somehow and il2cpp not? Do i need a special .net version or some other components?

Thanks in advance.

Do you have the player log for this crash?

The player log is attached.

Also, when it crashes, it shows that window:

6093354–662055–Player.txt (25.3 KB)

Looks like “NetworkCredential.Password” call is crashing. Can we get a bug report on this?