unity(windows) ----> to Unity iPhone?

Hello all Im new to Unity. I tried using search to find an answer, but couldn’t find any.
Anyway is it possible to develop an iPhone game in Unity(windows) and then use Unity(iPhone) to get it to the iPhone.
Basiclly I want to do as much work as I can on my windows machine and just use a mac to test and get it out the door.
I know I can do it this way with TGB(windows) and iTGB, but I would rather use Unity.

Thank you in advance

At this time, Unity iPhone is only supported on OS X.

Thank you for the reply, but I think you misunderstood my question.

I know Unity iPhone only runs on mac, but I know you can switch projects from unity(windows) to unity(mac). So could I bring a Unity windows or even mac project into unity(iphone)?

You can do the basic development but not more (at least out of my sight)
There are platform specifics that require you to work within Unity iPhone.
For example occlusion culling is likely not avoidable if you do a 3D game with a camera that is able to see larger aspects of a world than a simple iso style camera.
Also on the desktop you might missassume what you can use (no pixel lights, no programmable pipeline feature, no terrain, JS scripts must be #pragma strict, …) and you naturally do not have an option to see what you get.

The best reason to switch is actually that you have the live testing feature through the Unity Remote combined with the iPhone Graphics emulation option, giving you the possibility to test the things from a realistic point, as keyboards, sticks and mice will never replace the touch and accelerator.

This is thought no different than with iTGB as you will find out pretty fast as iTGB has no real emulation outside apples emulator and the device at all.

You certainly could work on your game in normal unity (mac or windows) and then open that project in unity iphone on a mac. This could work just fine if your game is very simple. Just keep in mind that testing on an actual device is the only way to optimize your game’s performance, or to test multi-touch and/or accelerometer input. But again, if your project is a simple match 3 game or something then you won’t be in too much trouble.

There’s really no advantage to working on windows for iphone development though. If you own unity iPhone, you need an intel mac anyway in order to use xCode, so why not just develop from start to finish on the mac? Even the most primitive intel-based mac is plenty powerful to develop on.

Thanks for the insight. I am only really interested in 2D game dev for the iPhone. I’m going to be using Unity for a 3D web based game im collaborating on right now, but in my spare time I wanna do simple 2D iPhone games. Being that the iPhone games are going to be my personal spare time work I need to be smart about how I spend my money. A mac is a must expense of course.

Now if I go with unity for my iPhone dev then I will have to buy a mac and both unity Pro and unity iPhone Adv. that’s a lot to swallow right now.

If I go with iTGB then since I already own TGB I can just dev in TGB until I have the game 90% finished and then buy the mac and iTGB to finish it off.

The other concern is doing a 2D game in unity’s 3D environment. I know unity can do it(the #1 ZombevilleUSA). My main concern in this area is the animation. I’m doing hand drawn animations and not animation like in zombeville, which I believe is bone animated polys.

you don’t need to get Unity Pro and iPhone Advanced unless you want those features.

You can also get iPhone Basic to work on your project for the time beeing and for example upgraded to iPhone Advanced at a later point.

Unity Pro is a different thing.
If you work in a team you will likely will be investing into anyway to take part in Unity Pro driven team development, as license mix on a project is not allowed.

@PirateNinjaAlliance- Hey first off great job on zombeville! I love it.

Anyway I know it would be easier to just dev all on Mac, which now that I think about it more its not a big deal. One of my reasons for deving on the PC was the art pipeline would be easier being that all my software is on my PC.

Still im concerned about the animation area though. This is a must for me as I’m using hand drawn animations for the characters. Is it possible to use sprite sheets for the animated characters.