Unity with Git - Scenes, Materials and possibly other important files are not being pushed.

Im really needing some help on this… I have seen these important guides to correctly configure Unity with GIT:

Which is basically saying that, I should set the Version Control to Visible Meta Files and set Serialization to Force Text.

Also, I am using this .gitignore file

So, everytime I add a new scene to my project, or a new material, I can see it in the SourceTree tool that the file has been created, along with the meta file. Then I simply stage these files, commit them, and push them. However, when I download the source code from the repository or simply clone it, all I see in the project folder is the Assets, Packages, and ProjectSettings. Then when going onto the scenes folder inside the Assets, there’s only one scene, which is called SampleScene, and on the materials folder there’s only one material, the Skybox_Mat.
How can I configure this in such way that I dont loose anything when download back from remote? (No loosing scenes, nor materials, nor editor gameobject references).

Thank you in advance.

First up, note that you’ve asked this in an area that is specifically marked as not being for support. “Editor and General Support” would be a better spot for future similar posts.

This sounds correct. Which Git client are you using, and did it tell you that the push had been successful?

Assuming the push worked, this makes me wonder if you’re pushing and pulling the same thing. One possibility is that you’re pulling from a different branch than the one you pushed to, so I’d suggest looking at that.

I’d suggest showing some screenshots of what you see in your client, and possibly of your Git host’s representation of the repository’s contents. We don’t have enough detail at the moment to give specific suggestions.

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That was it… i was pulling the wrong branch xD… so much time for such a simple thing that only took to switch tabs on bitbucket haha… Thank you for your time, and I will post my questions in the right forum next time!

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Glad you solved it!