Unity works with an AMD APU like AMD A8 or A10?

I will buy a laptop to develop games with Unity and my question is if Unity works with an AMD microprocessor or is better buy a laptop with an Intel Core microprocessor.

Excuse my english I’m from Colombia.

I can’t confirm this, but I think it ought to be fine.

Note, however, that there can be Unity bugs with AMD hardware because Unity develops primarily upon Intel / Nvidia hardware.

On the plus side, if you are making a game for PC, you might find out about any AMD bugs in Unity before your customers do. :wink:

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Around 5.3.1, there were suspected issues with AMD processors. It was never really confirmed but it was suspected that the bug only occurred when running on PC with certain AMD processors. It was the “Odd tag in cleanup!” and “attempt to access invalid memory” error that only seemed to happen to people with AMD. I believe the QA procured a computer with AMD for future testing (https://forum.unity3d.com/threads/game-stops-responding-attempt-to-access-invalid-address-error.402857/#post-2727347). The error doesn’t seem to occur anymore after 5.3.1 though.
Again, none of this was “officially” confirmed.

I added the following code to game to print the CPU to the log file. This helped uncover the pattern:

            Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey RegKey = Microsoft.Win32.Registry.LocalMachine;
            RegKey = RegKey.OpenSubKey("HARDWARE\\DESCRIPTION\\System\\CentralProcessor\\0");
            object cpuType  = RegKey.GetValue("ProcessorNameString");
            Debug.Log("You have a " + cpuType.ToString());
        catch( System.Exception exception)
            Debug.Log("Operation failed");
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