I want to use Unity XR use XRDisplaySubsystem.contentProtectionEnabled = true in my Unity XRSDK implementation, because I need to display some protected textures, but the XRDisplaySubsystem.contentProtectionEnabled setting is invalid. The official XRDisplayersubsystem provider also has blank settings for contentProtectionEnabled when true, as follows:
UnitySubsystemErrorCode DisplayProvider::GfxThread_PopulateNextFrameDesc(const UnityXRFrameSetupHints& frameHints, UnityXRNextFrameDesc& nextFrame) has the following code
if ((kUnityXRFrameSetuphintsChangedContentProtectionState & frameHints.changedFlags) != 0) { // App wants different content protection mode. }
My requirement: Set XRDisplaySubsystem.contentProtectionEnabled It is possible to add the EGL_PROTECTED_CONTENT_EXT attribute when creating a context in Unity. How