Unity2020.1f2 Job Burst FunctionPointe Crash Android

public class NewBehaviourScript : JobComponentSystem
    struct MyStruct : IJob
        public FunctionPointer<FuncT> test;
        public void Execute()

    public static void TestFunc(int i)

    public delegate void FuncT(int i);

    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
        FunctionPointer<FuncT> pointer = BurstCompiler.CompileFunctionPointer<FuncT>(TestFunc);
        MyStruct myStruct = new MyStruct
            test = pointer
        return myStruct.Schedule(inputDeps);

I call myStruct.Schedule and use FunctionPointer to crash on Android

@simons_unity As long as I use FunctionPointer in Job, it will crash after publishing to Android.