Unity2d android. Box keeps moving after taking away accelerometer controls

My Rigidbody2d continues to move whichever direction my accelerometer was moving even after i destroy the script for the controls. How can i make it so the accelerometer stops adding force after i destroy it?

Here’s my current code

#pragma strict

function Start () {


function OnCollisionEnter2D(coll: Collision2D) {
		//Destroy the script for the controller after he hits the ground
		Destroy (this);

var forceVec: Vector2;
function FixedUpdate () {
//Moving players x by the rotation of the phone
rigidbody2D.AddForce(Input.acceleration.x * forceVec);


I just began unity like a week ago so it might be a very novice mistake.

I have the same problem and also nobody answers on this question
good luck and please contact me if you have the answer
