Unity3 Examples


I have successfully installed Unity3 :smile:
I have selected to install also examples, but I am not able to found any example on my PC.

Where are examples?
Is there any problems in my installation?

Thanks in advance for any help.

PS: I have activated my PRO version

Watch the UNITY folder inside your DOCUMENTS folder.

What do you mean by “watch”?

Are they going to be downloaded at a later time without our knowing?

And when you say DOCUMENTS folder, what folder are you talking about specifically?

on OSX the bootcamp demo is in Users/Shared/Unity/

but i agree, U3D would need more “simpler” examples (like all the ones used for the marvelous preview videos!
most of online tutorials are still 2.6…


Just for info I am using windows 7

This is my documentation path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Unity\Editor\Data\Documentation
and under this folder I have only the file Documentation.html and another Documentation folder.

I am not able to find any reference of examples folder.

Any idea?

search your computer for “boot camp”, i use win xp and demo is under “shared documents”

Bootcamp is what you are looking for?

C:\Users\Public\Documents\Unity Projects\Bootcamp Demo


Thanks guys for your help! :slight_smile:

You can download any examples from the Unity website, just look carefully and you’ll find them!