Unity3 f5 : Beast

Doesn’t work for me… I’m getting


Assert in file: : …..\Editor\Src\LightmapperBeastRetrieve.cpp Line: 66"

I found that one other person had the same problem (see here).

Am I doing something wrong? Is it user error or unity error?

I submitted a bug report, because as far as I know I’m doing the baking procedure properly…

I found it!

I tend to save scenes outside the asset folder. And lightmaps are created in folder in relation to where the scene is saved, in my case outside the assets folder.

So in my example it’s :
project folder: /project/

assets folder : /project/Assets

scene file : /project/test.unity

lightmaps are created in /project/test/ <----- this is the problem because it’s outside the assets folder

So I guess the solution would be to make the lightmap folder created inside the assets folder regardless of where the scene is saved, or somehow make it clear that you need to saves your scenes inside the assets folder for lightmapping to work.

(I also tried to update my bug report with this, not sure if it worked)