after installing unity 3 i´ve imported and upgraded my old 2.6 project.
After that the scene view shows always an white rectangle overlay centerally positioned.
(see my image below). Are they any ideas on that?
Hi Mate did you ever find a solution to this? Any idea what causes it?
Looks like an old post effect or something. Is your camera clear colour white by any chance? zbuffer stuff changed. Would need new camera near and far.
Thanks hippocoder, looking closer I just realized my problem was different from Yosh’s which seems related only to rendered content in scene view.
My entire Unity main window had gone blank as in here http://forum.unity3d.com/threads/64872-Trouble-with-a-White-Screen-on-My-Scene-View.
If I clicked in the right place I could still drag items around in the hierarchy and the cursor would change to ‘resize’ icon when over the boundary between panels. Sometimes when reloading the project I could see some of the panels for an instant before they vanished.
I just fixed the issue for now but still no idea of the cause. I deleted the ‘library’ folder from the project in finder and Unity rebuilt this folder and its contents upon reloading the project. All panels are now back in view!