Unity3d 4.6 javascript prefab with script

I created a prefab named block1 and added a script on them named sheepController which does following:

var startingHealth:int = 2;
var currentHealth:int;

var isDead:boolean;

function Awake () {
	currentHealth = startingHealth;

public function HitSheep (sheep:GameObject) {
	Debug.Log("Hit Sheep startet");
	Debug.Log("Current Health: " + currentHealth);
	if (isDead)
		Debug.Log("Sheep is dead");
	//currentHealth = currentHealth - 1;
	currentHealth -= 1;
	Debug.Log("Current Health: " + currentHealth);
	if (currentHealth <= 0)
		Debug.Log("Current Health <= 0");
		Debug.Log("Destroy Sheep");
		isDead = true;

After that I instantiate the prefab (block1) in another script:

function createBlocks()
    	for(var j:int = -5; j<6; j++)
    		Instantiate(block1, Vector3(j*21, 20, 0), Quaternion.identity);

On Collision I like to subtract health of block1 by 1 each hit until it reached <= 0 .Then the block should be destroyed.

function OnCollisionEnter(col:Collision)
	if (col.gameObject.tag == "block1")
		Debug.Log("Hit Block1");
		var scontroller:sheepController;
		scontroller = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("block1").GetComponent(sheepController);
		if (col.gameObject != null)

		} else {
			Debug.Log("col.gameObject is null!");
		if (gameController.score >= 0)
			gameController.score = gameController.score + 10;

The problem now the prefab count is not set for each prefab. It means if count is less then 0 on prefab hit it will be destroyed. I like to have each prefab has a start by 2 and subtracting by 1. Means two hits until destroy.

What I’m doing wrong?
Thanks for help…

ths problem is here line 9 :

scontroller = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("block1").GetComponent(sheepController);

EDIT : replace it with :

scontroller = collision.gameObject.GetComponent<sheepController>();

GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag will search for first block in your scene got this tag and in that case you always call HitSheep of one Block if you have many block in your scene !!