Unity3d and FaceAPI integration: demo and source available

VisionBlaster has released the 6 degrees of freedom streamer and a demo with Lerpz tutorial at the www.visionblaster.com site for download.
With this technology headtracking acquired from the webcam is used to control Lerpz head and add more interaction to games.
A video with the demonstration can be seen in the same site.

intersting but error when run scoket.ext: no ippcore5.2.dll

Hi Liverol, thanks for your interest.

FaceAPI depends on ippcore dll. You should get this library either through Intel Integrated Performance Primitives or installing FaceAPI (which will install this dll).

For the FaceAPI way, get the Request Non-Commercial faceAPI License v3.1.3 in

Please write me back any doubt you have,
kind regards,
ps. I’ll post your bug in the project site, thanks

Hi Daniel,

Very generous of you to share this code. Thank you so much for doing so!

I hope once I finish my current project that I can get some time to look at this in detail, as it is something I have been wanting to look at for a while now.


Thanks Jeff,

the code is not totally open source, but you can get the directions :slight_smile:

Kind regards,

Hey Daniel,

I was wondering if you’d consider making your script open source?
Or maybe just show us how you get the streamer output into Unity?

I do get the direction :), but I don’t like buying something I don’t know enough about and if I can even use it somehow.

I’d like to try some stuff out but I wouldn’t use your script for moving a players head but some other interactions.

Hi Marv, how are you?

Well, the script basically allows you to get the head translation and rotation. You can set them to any transform you wish. You can have a good idea with the documentation (http://visionblaster.com/cms/images/stories/pdfs/streamerdocumentation0.95.pdf)

There are two demos on youtube:

You can also make those Johnny Lee effects without wearing anything (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jd3-eiid-Uw)

VisionBlaster is interested in providing solutions for augmented reality as well. You can capture the webcam stream and use your webcam face to head some ball or something like that. But this will require professional licenses on both Unity and FaceAPI.

Kind regards,

I have tried this idea, and it works.

I used faceapi and send it as OSC message(in open frameworks) to unity.


Nice, I haven’t got around to try it out yet.

How fast is the responstime?

If you look at Natal or Move from Sony/Microsoft it looks like just a normal webcam recognition wouldn’t be good and fast enough. They both use special equipent like the light ball or the special depth camera from Natal.

Can you put a demo online? I would love to try it out.

i test socket.exe on faceapistreamer, an always error, any clue?
i was install non-Commercial faceapi, im still using winXP sp2,
any step-by-step tutor for this?

can i use xbox kinect in place of webcam?

I believe that there are drivers to allow you to do so. I know some of my friends have been using it. However, you can’t get access the advanced features by default, which is why there are so many custom-made programs to be found here on the forums that use it in a very intelligent manner.

Hi there,
I have successfully put up a Data stream with the socket.exe, but still when I press play in Unity, nothing happens. I am using Unity 3.3 and have tried newer versions too. Is there a problem with the port (I never touched it. its by default 29129)?
I really have no idea how to go on, as everything seems to be ok (no warnings or errors), except for Unity doing what it should…
Thanks in advance