I can’t seem to figure out how to run the AngryBots sample (and eventually my own project) in the iOS simulator on my Mac. I am sure it must be easy, but it isn’t easy enough to be obvious.
I just installed 3.5.2.
I opened the AngryBots sample.
I set the Platform to iOS. I clicked on the Player Settings…
The only place I saw simulator anywhere in there was under Other Settings / SDK Version, so I set this to iOS Simulator.
I hit build and run.
It gets to XCode all built and then finally has an error:
The run destination My Mac 64-bit is not valid for Running the scheme ‘Unity-iPhone-simulator’.
The scheme ‘Unity-iPhone-simulator’ contains no buildables that can be built for the SDKs supported by the run destination My Mac 64-bit. Make sure your targets all specify SDKs that are supported by this version of Xcode.
Now what?