unity3d can make Toon-shader like in game Dream C club??

Please help me
how can I make shader like this game( I try to use toon shade with unity but… T-T :frowning: )

thank for help

That is probably the result of good texture work and not a magic shader.

my texture crack from game

It same texture but open in MMD(miku dance programe)

how can I set shaderder like this

Doubt you’ll get an answer, I’ve been asking about toon shaders for quite some time with no result :confused:

From what I can tell from the video, it’s using a content aware toon shader with some kind of edge-width limited edge detection post effect. It could be quite similar to Unity’s toon shader, but the texturing is probably optimised to the shader they’re using, and as Chickenlord says, the texture contributes more to the effect than the shader.

He said hes using the same texture and character in two different engines and they produce vastly different results. Hes trying to know how Unity can produce the same effect as his other package.

Okay so now i looked at the images, and i’d guess it is just a standard toon shader without outlines. Probably edges added as post processing effect, as gaustwick already said. The hair has specular hightlights though and don’t think these were done with blinn-phong but probably with a kajiya-kay approach (at least it looks like it). Thats all i can guess from looking at pictures.