UNITY3D: Custom cursors?

Hi, I’m developing my main menu for my game and I want a custom cursor for this. Is there anyway I could do that?

Here a script —

And now is use Event.current.mousePosition—

var yourCursor : Texture2D;  // Your cursor texture
var cursorSizeX : int = 16;  // Your cursor size x
var cursorSizeY : int = 16;  // Your cursor size y

function Start()
    Screen.showCursor = false;

function OnGUI()
    GUI.DrawTexture (Rect(Event.current.mousePosition.x-cursorSizeX/2, Event.current.mousePosition.y-cursorSizeY/2, cursorSizeX, cursorSizeY), yourCursor);

Unity provides built-in support for custom cursors under the Player Settings. I don’t know if this was supported in whatever version of Unity was around during the first post, but I figured I’d put this up for those of you still looking.

I also found that the image used for the cursor must be set to cursor, and also point scaling (not bi-linear nor tri-linear). If it is not set to point I always got a 50% opaque purplish square instead.