Unity3D FPS

Development Build:

<div class="content">
			<div id="unityPlayer" style="width: 600px; height: 450px; visibility: visible; "><embed type="application/vnd.unity" style="display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; " width="600" height="450" tabindex="0" firstframecallback="unityObject.firstFrameCallback();" src="WebPlayer.unity3d" id="_unity_a95f0427354a26418b2ad104839cd6fa"></div>

You can’t embed your webplayer that way, you will need to host the webplayer file somewhere on the interwebs.

Is this a link? If so, it doesn’t go to a site, I tried it. You can use attachments to attach the ‘webplayer’ folder as a compressed folder. Or both the unity3d file and html file.

This isn’t a link, it an attempt to embed the webplayer into the forum post, no dice.