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I have an object that when clicked it is destroyed and spawns randomly somewhere else on a timer. I’m trying to make it so instead of random spots it shows up at fixed locations.
I also want them to randomly spawn at those fixed locations on a timed interval, one at a time.(so if it appears in one location for lets say 5 seconds, it will be destroyed and the next one will appear in a different location.)
I attempted to do fixed spawn locations, but the void spawner doesn’t want to work.
I get a “The object of type “GameObject” has been destroyed but you are still trying to access it”.
I can fix this by commenting out the On_TouchStart destroy line, but I need it.
Here is my code:
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class Spawner : MonoBehaviour { public float AppearTime = 0f; public Transform[] teleport; public GameObject[] prefab; void Spawner(){ int tele_num = Random.Range(0,5); int prefab_num = Random.Range(0,3); if (prefab !=null){ Instantiate(prefab[prefab_num],
teleport[tele_num].rotation );
}void StartTime() { StartCoroutine(DoTime()); } void OnEnable(){ EasyTouch.On_TouchStart += On_TouchStart; } IEnumerator DoTime() { yield return new WaitForSeconds(AppearTime); Spawner(); } void On_TouchStart (Gesture gesture){ if (gesture.pickObject != null){ Destroy(gesture.pickObject); StartTime(); } }
If anyone could lead me on the right track I’d appreciate it.