Unity3d Update issue

I’ll make this short and clear. I got two scripts and I want to lower a number from one script to another.

Script #1 :

var healthBarDisplay : float = 1;

Script #2 :

var damage : float = 0.3f;
var Distance : float;
var attackRange : float = 1.0f;
var playerHealth : PlayerGUI;

function Awake()
	playerHealth = GameObject.FindWithTag("Player").GetComponent(PlayerGUI);

function Update()
    if(Distance < attackRange)

function Attack()
	playerHealth.healthBarDisplay -= damage;

This is not the whole script, only a part of it, the rest has nothing to do with what Im looking for.

Now, when the distance is lower then the attack range the healthBarDisplay from script 1 goes down too fast, because it’s being lowered in the update function , which updates every frame.

How do I make it so it lowers only once per second ? Adding time.deltatime doesn’t work the way I want it to.

Thank you, I hope I was clear enough.

Hey There,

I would suggest using a Timer. Invoking is a little messy and puts the power in Unitys hands.

private const float ATTACK_SPEED = 1.5f;
private float nextAttack = 0.0f; 

public void Update()
   if( Distance < attackRagne )
      if( nextAttack <= 0.0f )
          nextAttack  = ATTACK_SPEED;
        nextAttack -= Time.deltaTime;
      nextAttack = ATTACK_SPEED;

Since BMayne decided to 1-up me, I decided to do it back :wink:
Here’s a pretty clean and efficient implementation.
Let me know if there’s something in the code below you don’t understand.

private bool cooldown = true;
private bool CanAttack { get { return cooldown && Distance < attackRange; } }

function Start() 
    InvokeRepeating( "ResetCooldown", 0, 1 );

function Update()
    if ( CanAttack )

function Attack()
    playerHealth.healthBarDisplay -= damage;
    cooldown = false;

void ResetCooldown() {
    cooldown = true;