Unity3D+Vuforia+Xcode - Texture issues during Build and Run

Wondering if anyone has the same issue I’m having with scanned models in Unity. I’m using Unity 3D, Vuforia for AR, and Xcode for iPad development. The model looks ok in Unity until i go to Build and Run it in to send it to Xcode. When I do that cracks appear in the model/texture and the model in my iPad app looks like Frankenstein. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Sorry in advance for the dumb explanation of my problem…


Show us a screen dump at least…

Sorry for the delay. Here’s the model in Unity before selecting Build and Run.


Here’s what the model looks like during the Build and Run operation and in the app:


Check out the “cracks” around the center hub area.

Anyone have any ideas as to what’s going on?


Not being the expert here, but what are your settings for texture compression, specific for iOS?
What type of material are you using?
Normally the editor will try to emulate the look on the target platform, while in the editor, but it is not 100%.

Thanks for the reply:

Build Settings/Player Settings/Optimize Mesh Data unchecked.
Model Settings: Mesh Compression Off, Optimize Mesh unchecked
Material Shader: Diffuse

I hope those are the settings you’re asking about. Does that help?


Others than these:
Build Settings/Player Settings/Optimize Mesh Data unchecked.
Model Settings: Mesh Compression Off, Optimize Mesh unchecked
Material Shader: Diffuse

Maybe you should check your “TEXTURE” compression.
Click on your texture of the rim on “Project” tab.
At the “Inspector”, try to “Override for iOS”, set to “TrueColor”.

You might want to try change “Texture Type” → Advanced
and “Unchecked” Generate Mip Maps

Unity Converts to Tris:

It could be the fact Unity converts all polygon objects into tris.
So if your mesh was originally built from quads… it will look pretty bad once exported to Unity…

How to fix this … simply convert your mesh before exporting from 3DSMax or Maya into Tris… clean up your mesh and then export it again.

some extra tips: just before exporting have agood look over your mesh
try “normalizing normals” " smooth edges" before exporting ( don’t simply hit “smooth mesh” as this simply ups your poly count )

I design using Maya 2013 on a Mac it works well for me… but I had the same issues as you are experiencing here. This seemed to work for me …

Hope this helps.
