Unity4.6.2p1 GetInstanceIDFromScriptingWrapper(ScriptingObject*) at Scripting_Il2Cpp.cpp:43

Hi there,
I get this error in Xcode

GetInstanceIDFromScriptingWrapper(ScriptingObject*) at Scripting_Il2Cpp.cpp:43:
0xaa0fe0: mov r1, r0
0xaa0fe4: mov r0, #0x0
0xaa0fe8: cmp r1, #0x0
0xaa0fec: ldrne r0, [r1, #8]
0xaa0ff0: bx lr

Does anyone know what it means?

Hi, could you report a bug on this ? We’d love to look at this and fix it. (http://unity3d.com/BugReportingFAQ)