How do I create a x64 windows store build with 4.6.5? I can’t find the option. After the build the config manager in VS2013 only shows x86 and ARM.
x64 not yet supported and will not be in the very nearest future.
Is there a reason why you’re trying to make 64-bit build? We do not support it, but we have a pretty good reason for that: there isn’t any benefits for making 64-bit build, as 32-bit builds work just fine on 64-bit Windows OSs.
I noticed other games on the window store were tagged as x86 and x64, as I’d only built x86 I wanted to be the same as all the other games and have an x64 version. BUT as my game just last night got approved and released to the store I noticed Microsoft had already tagged the x86 version as being x64 also. I suspect these tags on the store just mean it can run on both systems and not that it is actually x64.
So no problem, I don’t need to generate x64 version as MS seem to not care and tag is anyway which is great. Out of interest does Unity5 create a 64 bit version? If not what happens when MS do an Apple and demand all apps be 64 bit?
I don’t see appstores demanding 64 bit in the near future. Maybe another 10 years but for now x86 just hit mobiles and many consumer pc’s are still just 32 bit OS.
Apple just demanded 64 bit builds, as MS seems to be trying to emulate Apple I can see it as a very real possibility with a year or two.
Oh crap I didn’t know that. Craziness. I wonder how long till we start seeing 128 bit machines? Haha
Well, there IS a reason, for example Windows Store MIDI API works only with x64 build on x64 machines, see c# - Working with MIDI in Windows Store App (Win 8.1) - Stack Overflow
so yes, having x64 build would be very helpfull.
Is there a workaround to build x64 version?
No, we simply don’t have a x64 player for WSA.