Unity5.0.2p4 Personal FOR iOS-64Bit (IL2CPP)Error-【OSX10.10.3】

My E-mail:yeahwin@163.com
Unity5.0.2p4 Personal FOR iOS 8-64Bit (IL2CPP)Error-
Use the plug-in:Easy Save 2、 IOSNative、 DOTween
The screenshot of error message——
My configuration


If no IL2CPP compilation, compiled by properly, but released in XCODE upload occurs the following tips. So I guess IL2CPP is necessary.


The issue might be with the Api Compatibility Level setting. Please try to change it to “.NET 2.0”. We’ve had a few problems reported in the past with U3DXTCore and the “.NET 2.0 Subset” profile. Because IL2CPP always does code stripping, this problem is exposed, whereas it is not present with Mono and code stripping disabled.