Unity5: Changing AmbientSkyColor doesn't change Skybox Color


I am playing around with a new game mechanic but I’ve hit a simple problem with Unity 5.

I want to be able to make the scene very dark at certain points in the game. I reduce my lights’ intensity property and I also change RenderSettings.ambientSkyColor to go towards black (0, 0, 0). This has a really nice effect except that the Skybox stays the same brightness throughout, meaning my models look like silhouettes against the skybox. What I’d like is for the skybox to darken also but I can’t seem to find any way to do this. Can anyone help?

(In case anyone suggests: No I do not just want a black GUI plane infront of the camera that fades alpha because the player should still be able to slightly see the game objects).

Thank you for your time.


I’ve also had a go at changing the ambientGroundColor and ambientEquatorColor in case these made any difference but they didn’t seem to.

You can change the skybox’ tint color:

RenderSettings.skybox.SetColor("_Tint", Color.black)

Be aware that any changes made during runtime will persist after the game stops running, so you need to call the OnApplicationQuit function and reset it if you don’t want that.

void OnApplicationQuit() {
		RenderSettings.skybox.SetColor("_Tint", defaultSkyTineColor);
		RenderSettings.ambientLight = defaultAmbientLightColor;

I know I am a bit late but I had a similar problem and after some try and error fun I found this solution:

To change the “Ground” color you can use:

RenderSettings.skybox.SetColor("_GroundColor", color);

To make your whole skybox darker you can use Exposure:

RenderSettings.skybox.SetFloat("_Exposure", val);

Be aware of the fact that this will change your Skybox Material even after you quit Play Mode.
I haven’t found out yet how to change the Sky Tint though, sorry about that…