Hello !
Firstly, I would like to say that my english is not pretty good so sorry for that
I’m also a beginner so maybe my question is out of place.
I have been making a simple 2D game. In Unity 4 my simple sprite generator works great but in Unity 5 I have a “IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.” on 15line in my code.
public class pipes : MonoBehaviour {
public GameObject[] obj;
public float spawnMin = 1f;
public float spawnMax = 2f;
void Start () {
Spawn ();
void Spawn() {
Instantiate(obj[Random.Range(0, obj.Length)], transform.position, Quaternion.identity); //here
Invoke("Spawn", Random.Range(spawnMin, spawnMax));
What is wrong with Unity5? I also made some tutorials from Live Unity and also this stuff didn’t work on version 5.
Thanks for your time!