I finally fixed my lighting problem, but i ran into another one which is building, when the job process(es) starts working. Looks like my PC cannot build the whole scene i have, my PC just freezes of the huge CPU and RAM requirement that job process(es) need.
PC specifications:
CPU - Intel Core 2 Duo (2.20GHz)
Video card: ATI Radeon HD 4350 (512 MBytes version)
RAM - DDR2 (3 GBytes)
OS - Windows 7 Ultimate (32 bit version)
I think that’s enough info. Yes, yes i know it’s a really stupid PC, really low end, but i can’t afford a new one untill i finish my game.
So i worked on this game for a year now, i will soon make a showcase of it too, but the problem is this new Unity5 building feature, i almost didn’t work on my game at all sinice i got the new Unity5, it has so many problems with me . Can anyone help me ? Btw shadows are really important for my game so i cannot disable them, it’s just soft shadows with low resolution.