Unity5 rigidbody2d not working properly... :(

I have a playercontroller script that handles the gravity and jumping of the player…
but what happens is the player is bearly jumping and falling. But my script is fine with unity4, after i upgrade my game on unity5 the problem occurs… please help…
There is a function applygravity there and jump function you can ctrl+f to search, sorry for the mess :slight_smile:

note: no other script is handling my physics for the player except this playercontroller script

by the way my game is like flappy bird style…


/// <summary>
/// the logic of the gameloop of this class
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
IEnumerator OnUpdate()
    //start catching  if the user taps the screen

    //do this only if the player is not dead
    while (true)
        switch (playerState)
            case PlayerState.Idle:
            case PlayerState.Flying:
                //when the player is not on the ground
                if (!groundCheck.IsGrounded || GameController.Instance.debugMode)
                    //do the calcualtions on the air

                    //dont let the player go up offscreen 
            case PlayerState.Dead:
                //stop checking if the player is dead
                DidTap = false;
			if (groundCheck.IsGrounded && !isDead && rigid2D.velocity == Vector2.zero)
                    isDead = true;
                    //playerState = PlayerState.Idle;


        //apply gravity
        //wait for the fixed update
        yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();

#region player air and ground logic calculation
/// <summary>
/// this is where the calulations or logics when the player is not on the ground
/// </summary>
void DoAirLogic()

    //when the user taps the screen
    if (DidTap)
        DidTap = false;
        //cast a ray from the touch points on the screen to test if we tap on a powerups
        RaycastHit2D touchHit = Physics2D.Raycast(Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(Input.mousePosition), Vector2.zero);

        //if the user tap on a powerup
        if (touchHit.collider != null)
            if (touchHit.collider.gameObject.tag == "powerup")
                //get the powerups from the container and use it
                PowerUpContainer pu = touchHit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<PowerUpContainer>();

        //makes the player jump

    //rotate the player  up wars if the player is going up or downwards if the player is giong down but only if he is grounded
    //if (!groundCheck.IsGrounded)
      //  DoRotation();

/// <summary>
/// Apply the gravity only if it is enabled
/// </summary>
void ApplyGravity()
    //if we can use gravity
    if (EnableGravity)
        //apply gravity only when we are not on the ground
		rigid2D.AddForce(new Vector2(0.0f, -gravity));

/// <summary>
/// This makes player jump
/// </summary>
void Jump()
    //play the jump sound

    //make a jumpfore vector based on the jumprate set on the inspector
	Vector2 jumpFoce = new Vector2(rigid2D.velocity.x, jumpRate);

    //reset the current velocity of the player
    //we do not want to add up this jumpforce velocity to the current velocity of the player
	rigid2D.velocity = Vector2.zero;

    //apply the velocity to our rigidbody
    //this makes the player to jump

Do you have an animation on the player? If go to its animator and uncheck “apply root motion”. It corrected the similar problem I had.