[Unity5]RotateAround to rotate object causes object to go crazy - [Youtube Video Inside Makes More Sense]

Hey guys,

I am having a little issue with a script I am writing for tank movement.

I am having a problem while rotating my tank base where it seems to go weird and lift off the ground suddenly.

Here is a video of the issue

This is my movement code which handles rotating and moving of the drifting tank
void moveTank()
		float mouseX = Input.GetAxis ("Mouse X");
		float mouseY = Input.GetAxis ("Mouse Y");
		float moveFB = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");
		float moveLR = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");

        //Rotates the base of the tank
		if(moveLR != 0)
            //Rotator is an empty game object set at the location i wish to rotate around because for some reason i cannot find a way to change pivot in unity5 (In 4.6 I used to be able to parent the object to an empty gameobject and make it an offet)
            //No idea why this line of code seems to be causing my tank to do what is shown in the video
		m_GO_Tank.transform.RotateAround(m_GO_Rotator.transform.position, Vector3.up, (moveLR * m_F_TankRotationSpeed) * Time.deltaTime);
        //Moves the tank forward and back
		if (moveFB != 0)
			m_Rb_TankRigidBody.AddForce (-1 * ((moveFB * m_GO_Tank.transform.right) * m_F_TankMoveSpeed),ForceMode.Acceleration);

        //Rotates the turret
		if(mouseX != 0)
            m_GO_TankTop.transform.RotateAround(m_GO_Rotator.transform.position, m_GO_Rotator.transform.forward, (mouseX * m_F_TurretRotationSpeed) * Time.deltaTime);
        //Moves the turret up and down within specified limits.
		if (mouseY != 0)
			Vector3 currentRot = m_GO_TankTurret.transform.localEulerAngles;
			if(currentRot.x < m_F_MaxTurretAngle && currentRot.x > m_F_MinTurretAngle + 10)
				m_GO_TankTurret.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(m_F_MaxTurretAngle,0,0);

			else if(currentRot.x > m_F_MinTurretAngle && currentRot.x < m_F_MaxTurretAngle - 10)
				m_GO_TankTurret.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(m_F_MinTurretAngle,0,0);
			m_GO_TankTurret.transform.Rotate((mouseY * m_F_TurretVerticalSpeed) * Time.deltaTime,0,0,Space.Self);
            m_GO_TankTurretMachineGun.transform.localEulerAngles = m_GO_TankTurret.transform.localEulerAngles;

The issue is mentioned in the code which shows the effected line.

Here is an image of the rotator used in the RotateAround in the inspector.


I have not tested this on any other version of unity but I have tried alot of things like making sure there was no strange collider messing with the rotation or anything like that.

If anyone could help solve this strange issue, it would be great.

It looks like maybe your tank has a rigidbody component attached?
Rigidbodies behave strangely when you try to change the Transform.
but it’s not their fault…
If you have a rigidbody attached, then it is recommended that you move the object with the rigidbody functions…






For the sake of rotating your tank, I would recommend that you use rigidbody.MoveRotation